Now Next Later Framework for KreateWebsites

The Now-Next-Later framework is an effective tool for product roadmapping, helping you prioritize and sequence product development efforts.

The Now-Next-Later framework is an effective tool for product roadmapping, helping you prioritize and sequence product development efforts. For Kreatwebsites, which leverages AI to generate web pages, slides, and assets, here’s how you can structure the roadmap using this framework:


Core Capabilities for AI-Driven Website Development

Focus Areas:

  1. AI-Powered Website Builder: Develop and refine the AI algorithms for generating professional and customized websites based on user input. Ensure the AI can handle various design preferences and industries.
  2. Content Generation: Implement AI tools for generating website content, including text, images, and other media. Ensure the AI can create high-quality, relevant content with minimal user input.
  3. User Interface (UI) and Experience (UX): Design an intuitive user interface that simplifies the website-building process for users. Focus on user experience to ensure ease of use, accessibility, and a smooth workflow.
  4. Integration with Cloud Storage: Build capabilities to seamlessly integrate with popular cloud storage solutions like Google Drive, OneDrive, and other platforms. Allow users to import content directly from these sources.


  • Launch MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the AI-powered website builder.
  • Integrate with key cloud storage services.
  • Roll out basic content generation features with AI.


Content Management and AI Lineage

Focus Areas:

  1. Content Management System (CMS): Develop a robust CMS that allows users to manage and update website content efficiently. Include features for easy editing, version control, and content organization.
  2. AI Lineage and Tracking: Implement features to track the lineage of AI-generated content, including version history, changes made, and the ability to revert to previous versions. This will enhance transparency and control over content creation.
  3. Enhanced Customization Options: Expand customization features to allow users more control over website design elements and content layout. Include advanced design tools and personalization options.
  4. Content Assets and Slide Generation: Integrate capabilities to generate and manage additional content assets such as presentations, infographics, and marketing materials.


  • Release a beta version of the CMS with content management and tracking features.
  • Implement AI lineage tracking and version control.
  • Introduce advanced customization and additional content asset generation tools.


Internal Portal Development and Advanced Capabilities

Focus Areas:

  1. Internal Portal Development: Develop capabilities for creating internal portals and intranet solutions. This could include features for internal communication, document management, and collaboration tools.
  2. AI-Driven Analytics and Insights: Implement AI-powered analytics to provide users with insights into website performance, content effectiveness, and user engagement. Offer recommendations for optimization based on these insights.
  3. Scalability and Performance Optimization: Focus on enhancing the platform’s scalability to handle larger volumes of users and data. Optimize performance to ensure fast load times and reliable operation.
  4. Integrations with Enterprise Systems: Build integrations with enterprise systems and tools to support larger organizations and more complex use cases.


  • Launch internal portal development features for enterprise clients.
  • Roll out AI-driven analytics and performance insights tools.
  • Optimize platform for scalability and performance.



  • Develop core AI capabilities for website building.
  • Implement content generation features.
  • Design an intuitive UI/UX.
  • Integrate with cloud storage solutions.


  • Create a comprehensive CMS with content management and AI lineage tracking.
  • Expand customization options and content asset generation.
  • Enhance user control and content organization.


  • Develop internal portal solutions for enterprise use.
  • Integrate AI-driven analytics and performance optimization tools.
  • Focus on scalability and integration with enterprise systems.

By following this roadmap, Kreatwebsites can systematically build out its capabilities, ensuring a strong foundation before moving on to more advanced features and solutions.

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